4th World Youth Taekwondo Camp


Neljäs World Youth Taekwondo Camp järjestetään 19-24.7.2012 Koreassa. Vuosina 2010 ja 2011 mukana on ollut suomalaisosallistujia. Kokemukset ovat olleet erinomaisia. Tänä vuonna sinä?

Jos olet kiinnostunut osallistumaan, niin ilmoita siitä liiton toimistolle ennakkoilmoittautumista varten (viesti alla).



Dear Colleagues,


I send my warm greetings and best wishes for the new year to you and your association.


I am very pleased to inform you that the 4th World Youth Taekwondo Camp jointly promoted by the Taekwondo Promotion Foundation (TPF) and the WTF will be held in Muju, Korea from 19 to 24 July 2012.  Since its inauguration in 2009, World Youth Taekwondo Camp has provided the youth with education on taekwondo spirit, fair play and Olympic values as well as high level taekwondo training with top class taekwondo instructors, including Olympic medalists.  The camp has also provided an opportunity of friendship among taekwondo youth around the globe.


As the camp marking the 4th edition this year, Taekwondo Promotion Foundation has decided to receive a pre-registration from the member national associations of the WTF before the final invitation package, including official registration form, to better prepare for the camp through estimation of the size of the participation.


Please kindly fill out the attached Pre-Registration Form of the 4th World Youth Taekwondo Camp and send it back to the TPF at the email address written on the form by no later than March 31, 2012.  Please take note that this Pre-Registration Form will not be considered as the official registration for the camp and your association surely has the liberty of cancelling its participation later.


Thank you very much in advance for your kind attention and prompt reply.


Sincerely yours,



Jin Suk Yang

Secretary General

World Taekwondo Federation