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Maailman Taekwondoliiton (WTF) pääsihteeriksi on nimetty Jean-Marie Ayer. Alla on WTF:n presidentin lähettämä aihetta koskeva tiedote.


Dr. Jean-Marie Ayer appointed as Secretary General of the WTF


Dearest Taekwondo Family,


I wish to extend to you my warmest greetings from the World Taekwondo Headquarters.   I sincerely trust that this letter finds you well in spirit and in health.


It is with great pleasure that I announce to you that Dr. Jean-Marie Ayer has been appointed as Secretary General of the World Taekwondo Federation.


Having served as Director of the WTF Lausanne Office for the past six years, Dr. Ayer brings a respected background and knowledge in the sport community.  His resume is adorned with significant leadership experience in both finance and administrative management with large international organizations.  He received his PhD in Economics from Fribourg, Switzerland.  He served as Chief Financial Officer at ABB Power Generation in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and as Vice President of Swisscom International in Bern, Switzerland.


Dr. Ayer’s firsthand knowledge in New Media and Information Technology has already helped the WTF to revolutionize competitions with the establishment of instant video replay and the Taekwondo TV that allows for broadcast coverage in new media format.  Furthermore, his background in technology will enhance the implementation of the WTF Global Membership System that will compile a sophisticated database of all WTF taekwondo competitors and practitioners around the world.


Dr. Ayer replaces Mr. Jin Suk Yang whom, after 5 years of distinguished service to the WTF and the taekwondo family as Secretary General, will take the helm as Chairman of the WTF Academy. 


As part of the WTF’s 2012 theme of “Spreading Hope and dreams to the Youth of the World through Taekwondo,” great attention and concentration will be paid to the development of educational programs particularly for young taekwondo athletes.  These programs will be implemented at WTF Continental Youth Camps around the world, as well as at the Taekwondo Park that will open 2013.


The taekwondo community is confident that Mr. Yang’s experience as Secretary General of an Olympic International Sport Federation will further the infrastructure and operations of the World Taekwondo Academy and creating guidelines for research the sport of taekwondo. Additionally, Mr. Yang will be charged with developing training programs for all athletes, coaches and referees in fair play, intercultural friendship building, civic duty, and the Spirit of Olympism.


I have every confidence that both gentlemen will fulfill their roles with the highest level of integrity, and I look forward to their great successes in their new positions. Dr. Ayer’s appointment took effect on February 14, 2012 and Mr. Yang’s appointment will be effective as of March 1, 2012.




Chungwon Choue


World Taekwondo Federation